
Setup Rock Mongo web interface

I was looking for a admin web interface for mongoDB just like PHPMyAdmin for My SQL and found RockMongo a good one. In this article will show how to setup RockMongo using the authentication created in your mongoDB service. Please checkout this article Setup Drupal 7 Panopoly distribution with mongoDB on CentOS 7 if you haven't setup your mongoDB service and its PHP driver in your server.

Setup Drupal 7 Panopoly distribution with mongoDB on CentOS 7

The mongoDB provides high performance, high availability, and easy scalability. Using it with Drupal, will take some load off its SQL database. The read/write SQL procedures in Drupal functions like: session, log entries from watchdog, cache, fields, queue and block can be handled by mongoDB Drupal module. And this will greatly improve the perfomance of your Drupal site.