Smart Paging is very useful module to automatically split up long Drupal content into sub-pages by number of characters or words. What if we don't need the Smart Paging's pagination on a specific node content? The following are the steps on how to disable Smart Paging's pagination for a node Article:
Go to Article content type Manage Display settings and click the cogwheel at the right side of Smart Paging:
Choose "Show Smart Paging settings during content editing of this content type" and click Update button
Still on same page click "Save" button (found at the bottom)
Now to test, edit a node Article (eg. Scroll at the bottom and click the Smart Paging section:
Untick the "Use default values", select the "Bypass Smart Paging input filter" from the "Page break method" dropdown menu and Save the Article. You should see that this specific Article is not having the pagination from Smart Paging.
Or we can quickly disable the Smart Paging's pagination by adding "?nopaging=1" on the node Article's URL (eg.