September 2015

Using Pagespeed with Nginx

Pagespeed is a quick way to optimize your site following web best practices. It is available as a module for Apache and Nginx. Installing this module in Apache is easy as:

sudo yum install at # if you do not already have 'at' installed
sudo rpm -U mod-pagespeed-*.rpm

To install Nginx, we need to compile the Nginx source in order to include Pagespeed module (please see this article for instructions). For Nginx configuration, please follow this guide.

Setup ECC SSL for Nginx to satisfty Cloudflare Full SSL mode

Cloudflare's Full SSL mode encrypts the connection between your website visitors and CloudFlare also from CloudFlare to your server. This mode requires SSL certificate on your server. In this tutorial will show how to create SSL certificate on server and configure Nginx for SSL.

The following procedures are tested on my Linode server running Centos 7 64-bit Linux distribution.